2020 General Binding Rules
For decades, millions of septic tanks have been installed throughout the UK in rural and urban areas. Septic tanks are known to be ineffective at processing sewage to modern environmental standards, causing long-term damage to the country’s natural water infrastructure and wildlife.
It was therefore inevitable that new rules and a code of conduct would be introduced to prevent the effects of wastewater pollution once and for all; The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2014 came into force on 1 January 2015 creating the General Binding Rules (GBRs) for septic tanks or small sewage treatment plants for domestic use. These rules are designed to reduce the level of pollution from sewage in the nation’s watercourses.
The rules state that any existing septic tank discharging to surface water, ie, to a water ditch, stream or river, etc, must either be upgraded or replaced with a new package sewage treatment plant by 1st January 2020.
Marsh Industries, the leading UK manufacturer of package sewage treatment plants, produces over 3000 units per year. However the company’s range of Uni:Gem★ septic conversion units is the only product available on the market which can treat wastewater from an existing septic tank without the need for a complete replacement product or drainage field upgrade.
To comply with the GBRs and current EN standards, the entire Uni:Gem range was redeveloped from the ground up and tested, not only to meet, but to exceed UK and International standards. The Uni:Gem★ was born – creating an ‘industry first’ 2020 compliant septic conversion unit with outstanding processing performance.
The Uni:Gem★ range was tested in accordance with BSEN12566-3/A1:2009 and EN12566-6 standards at the PIA GmbH test facility in Aachen, Germany, over the course of 38 weeks with a daily loading of:
Flow: 900 litres/day BOD: 360g NH4: 48g
Testing occurred between November 2018 and August 2019 to ensure all seasons were covered whilst minimum/maximum temperatures were tested to assure Ammonia and BOD process reduction for the UK climate. Holiday periods were also simulated during the test procedure. Final test results yielded an output of 12.5:16:4mg/ltr (BOD:Suspended solids:Ammonia) that is well within national discharge consent requirements.
The Uni:Gem★ is an extremely cost effective solution for converting any polluting septic tank into a fully compliant sewage treatment plant ensuring homeowners, estate managers, water companies/amenities have an effective way to keep the environment clean whilst providing a quick and efficient installation process.